4 Steps To Achieving Your Business Goals
One month down in 2022. Are you still on track to achieve your business goals?
Sadly, it’s normally around this time of year that 85% of people have already fallen short of their goals. Having been a business coach in Brisbane for a long time, the single biggest reason I’ve observed for this is a lack of commitment.
Commitment is defined as ‘the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.’ Plenty of people are interested in achieving their goals, but interest is not enough. It takes sustained commitment to grow, improve, and/or change your business.
Over the weekend we were witness to a young Ipswich woman, Ash Barty, fulfill her childhood ambition to win the Australian Open. What a champion! Ash showed absolute commitment and dedication towards her goal.
Whilst we might not win the Australian Open, we can implement an effective process to ensure we commit to the goals we have for ourselves and our business.
Having spent years achieving my own goals and being a business coach in Brisbane who helps business owners achieve their goals, I’ve developed a 4-step framework that increases the probability of goal success.
1. Goal Setting
Define what your goal is, and why it’s important. Specifically, what do you want to achieve and by when. Challenge yourself on how committed you ‘really’ are to pursue this goal.
2. Goal Planning
Start with the end in mind (your goal), then work backwards and plan what actions you need to take, or milestones need to be achieved, in order to achieve your goal. Goals without plans are dreams, therefore create a comprehensive plan of actions that provides the blueprint for goal success.
3. Goal Action
During this step, you need to focus on ‘implementation over information’. Knowledge and learning are important, but taking action is essential. Also, a growth mindset is required, as the path towards your goal will not be straight and smooth. Be open to challenges, view mistakes as lessons, and keep going.
4. Goal Celebration
Remember to reward every effort, no matter how big or small. Set a task, complete it, then celebrate your accomplishment. Positive reinforcement is essential to creating and maintaining momentum towards your goal.
In order for you to increase your commitment towards your 2022 goal, and achieve it, you need to incorporate all 4 steps outlined above.
If you’d like to be a part of my Brisbane executive coaching or learn more about enhancing your business goal achievement process, I’ve captured the above strategies and more in my new e-Book, “Grow An Outstanding Business”, and I’m giving it away for FREE.
Click on the link below to grab your copy.

Bio of Tony Meredith
Tony Meredith Coaching focuses on helping business owners Grow Sales, Increase Profits, and Regain Time.
Tony Meredith Coaching started in 2018 and works with hundreds of small-medium businesses across Australia, in the areas of Services, Franchising, Retail, Manufacturing, and Trades.
Tony has over 25 years of experience working for some of the world’s largest corporations in a variety of senior sales and leadership roles.
Tony and his team provide a range of specialist business coaching sessions, including individual business coaching, group business coaching, and online business coaching.
Contact Tony and his team if you want to grow an outstanding business.
Contact Details
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 07 3394 8221