Are you struggling finding time to work on achieving your business goal?
As a Business Coach who has successfully been offering business and sales coaching for the last couple years, the most common reason (excuse) I hear for not doing something is “I don’t have enough time.”
The reality is we all have the same amount of time, it’s just that successful people know how to maximise their time.
Below are a list of tips to find you ‘more’ time:
- Audit your time. Track how you’re currently spending your time. To change, you must first have self-awareness, and a time audit enables you to know where your time is being spent.
- Reduce the time wasters, ie. social media, TV, non-productive time.
- Prioritise the tasks that you want to accomplish. Don’t try to resolve this in your head, rather write or type these down.
- Delegate/Outsource. Where possible, let go of the tasks that you’re not good at, don’t enjoy, or aren’t income producing. If you have staff, learn to delegate. If you’re a solopreneur, outsource. We live in a ‘gig economy’ where someone somewhere will be only too happy to assist you.
- Plan your day/week/month. When will you accomplish your prioritised tasks? Compartmentalise or time-block your calendar.
- Shut off all distractions, ie. email alert, notifications, phone. Give yourself ‘clean air’ to be able to achieve what you set out to do.
The easy part is auditing, planning, and prioritising. The hard part is the discipline to stick to your plans and commitments. The way you overcome this is by changing your meaning associated with personal plans or commitments.
If you schedule a meeting with someone else you make sure that you turn up, as you don’t want to look bad or let the other person down. Yet, when it comes to meetings with ourselves, we put these off, which is essentially saying “I’m not that important.” For you to succeed at anything you need to start telling yourself that you are important. That you are worth it.
With my experience as both a small business coach and someone offering one-on-one business coaching to entrepreneurs leading businesses on a larger scale, I’m confident that when you follow these steps your productivity will skyrocket. Also, don’t just do this with your business, do it with exercise, study, time with family and friends, and so on.
Put these tips into practice for a day, week, or month, and let me know how you go.
Reach out to me if you want help in finding more time.
These tips are essential for you and your business. If you’re looking for business coaching that delivers results, Tony Meredith Coaching (TMC) is your partner in success.
We provide Individual Business / Executive Coaching, Strategic Planning, Sales, Leadership, Mindset training, and Online Group coaching.