Brisbane Business Coaching Services

At Tony Meredith Coaching, we ensure that you achieve your business objectives, because our success lies in your results.

Whether you want to take your business to the next level, develop your team, or improve individually, we have a service that can help you.  We’re here to ensure you maximise your potential and that of your team, and grow your business to a point that you only dreamed of.

We offer the following services


Individual Coaching

This is our premium program, tailored to suit CEOs, business owners, executives, and/or their  teams.

Given one-on-one coaching is focused on one person at a time, the results are accelerated.

Regardless of your skill level, experience, and success, one-on-one coaching is adapted to suit your individual requirements.

Get clear on your goals, develop success strategies, remain accountable, and build the business you want. Fortnightly coaching sessions over three, six or twelve months, utilising individual coaching with a focus on understanding the current situation, developing strategies to achieve goals, and then focusing on accountability throughout delivery.

Coaching sessions can be held in person or online, with no restrictions on where you are chasing your business dreams across the world.


Group Coaching

Group Coaching is a powerful delivery model that leverages the experience of a group of individuals who may or may not work together. 

Aside from the cost savings, the real benefit of group coaching is the sharing and learning that is transferred through peer coaching and group discussions. Hearing situations from other business owners or team members has the potential to inspire, motivate or reinforce.

In addition, when conducted within the same organisation, group coaching can strengthen team dynamics and improve awareness of broader decisions made. 

Group Coaching sessions are a terrific forum to help you get on track and stay on track.


Online Learning

Online learning is becoming increasingly popular, as it allows the independence of time and location and the flexibility to work around a busy schedule. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has trigger this new way of learning.

Online learning is a cost-effective method to increase your knowledge of business topics that you can implement immediately into your business.  

Demonstrating time management and self-motivation.


Strategy and Business Planning

Strategic Planning is designed to determine the direction of the business.

It involves starting with the end in mind and getting clear on your goals. Then a plan or roadmap can be built.

Capture your mission, vision, values, goals, and action plans. 

Strategy and Business Planning can be held over one or two days, and are best done in person. 


Keynotes & Seminars

Tony is determined to make a broader impact, and keynote speaking or seminars enable him to achieve this.

Tony is a seasoned keynote speaker, and has been privileged to speak in front of thousands of people, inspiring them with his message.

Topics could include business, sales, leadership, time mastery, mindset

Main Services


Individual Coaching


Group Coaching


Online Learning


Strategy & Business Planning


What Clients Are Saying

“Tony has helped us increase our sales by over 60% in 6 months”

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