4 Steps To Achieving Your Business Goals

The Executive Coaching Models You Need to Know in 2025

Businesses and professionals alike all reach that stage where that extra push is needed to make their big leap, and this extra push is gotten via several mediums and options. One option that has proven more proficient than the others is coaching.

What Does Coaching Entail? 

Coaching in principle means being trained in a specific niche to achieve success in that niche. Of course, the business sector is not exempted from the benefits that coaching offers; thus, organizations, businesses, and professionals desiring development and success often to coaching. This is little wonder why a prominent and respected member of the Forbes Coaches Council described coaching concerning careers and businesses as an investment in the development of an organization’s most valuable asset. This asset is its human capital or human resource (the employees and members that make up the organization, from the organization’s founder and owners to its workers).

However, there are various forms of coaching, and the coaching that focuses on businesses and careers, in general, is Brisbane executive coaching. An executive coach is a professional that guides you to set and achieve goals in your career. Executive coaching is very different from other forms of coaching. This is because other forms of coaching often employ traditional norms of identifying weaknesses and working to improve on weaknesses.  In contrast, executive coaching steers away from and challenges traditional norms by identifying professionals’ strengths and working to highlight them. This method often makes it seem like the weaknesses are non-existent.

Still, it is crucial to mention that the success experienced by coaching depends on the model it uses, and executive coaching is no different. Hence, for executive coaching to be successful, it should have a competent and excellent coaching model. 

What Is a Coaching Model? 

Well, there are many definitions for the coaching model, but the highlight is, it is the strategy the coach employs to achieve their client’s goals.

The executive coaching model is the strategy or footprint that outlines the steps the executive coach employs to get clients from where they are to where they want to be in their careers. The coaching model helps the executive coach and the client identify the areas they need to change and improve on in their professional and personal lives. An excellent coaching model has specific characteristics, and they are: 

  • It is practical and detailed: Every client has a personality; thus, coaches design a model that is specific to their client’s personality. Hence, for a model to be successful, it should be practical for a client’s personality.
  • It is the foundation for each coaching session: As mentioned earlier, an executive coaching session cannot function without a model. Hence, with this understanding, an excellent coaching model is designed to be the foundation on which every coaching strategy is built.
  • It is direct: Clients recruit the help of an executive coach in their professional careers, businesses, and organizations, to achieve specific goals and successes. Hence, the coaching model should be directed at achieving the client’s goals.

Executive coaches employ different coaching models in their coaching sessions, with some coaches designing their unique coaching models and some adopting coaching models from successful executive coaches.  Still, there are diverse ways to implement coaching models, some coaches implement multiple coaching models into their coaching career and it has proven successful. While some coaches implement one coaching model in their coaching career and still achieve results.

From the above information, we notice that coaching models are diverse. Hence, the question is, how do all executive coaches experience equal results and successes that help clients develop and grow? The answer is the coaching models, irrespective of their difference, are built using similar principles and ideologies. 

As an executive coach, there are coaching models you should know in 2025. These models will ensure you have better success with your clients as these models work on the client’s leadership attributes and help them to become successful and excellent leaders in their careers and business. These models are:

  1. Action-centered leadership model: This model highlights a strategy where clients as leaders are motivated to take action and can also translate that motivation to members of their profession, team, or organization. This model inspired by John Adair is an effective and simple model that is utilized by various coaches on all levels of leadership. However, this model consists of three responsibilities or categories, and they are:
    1. Task achievement: As a coach, this category involves your clients’ role as a leader, where clients can organize their team to identify their goals and work towards achieving them. Hence, with this model, your clients can have their team working toward set goals and objectives.
    2. Team formation/upkeep: A leader can work in a team, coordinate people to work as a team, and keep the team working together. And all this is possible when the leader can set standards for the team, monitor and resolve conflicts between team members, encourage excellent communication in the team, and more. Hence, the coach helps clients develop these leadership qualities, so they can form a team, and keep the team together.
    3. Individual development:  A team is functional when every team member makes positive contributions and the leader knows this. Hence, the leader helps each team member stay motivated and focused on the team’s goals and objectives by addressing their personal needs. 
  2. Victim vs. player framework: This model was introduced by world-renowned executive coach Fred Kofman, to tackle challenges. The model highlights two factors in a challenge, the victim and the player. The victim views the challenge to be a product of conditions and factors they cannot control. In contrast, the player views the challenge to have happened because of something they did; thus, they take control of the situation. The coach uses this model to get clients from the victim train to the player’s train. This is because only when you understand how you contributed to the problem can you be well-placed to find a solution.
  3. The GROW model: Originally developed in the 1980s, this model has grown to become the most popular model worldwide, as it highlights a defined problem-solving and goal-setting approach. The word ‘GROW’ is an acronym for an all-encompassing framework.
    1. G – Goal: The clients need to identify their goals and work towards them
    2. R – Reality: The client keeps track of where they are concerning their set goals.
    3. O –  Options: The client identifies and explores options that are useful in achieving their set goals.
    4. W – Way forward: The decision stage (which option or route can help achieve the desired goals?).
  4. Calendar-driven vs. Event-driven coaching sessions: This is an example of coaches implementing multiple models into one. Where the calendar-driven coaching session involves consistently scheduled formal meetings, as increased coaching translates to greater success. An Event-driven coaching session focuses on what inspired or influenced scheduling a coaching session.


Again, there are many coaching models available to help achieve success and development in clients’ lives, but the models outlined above are essential for you to know in 2025.

tony meredith business coach

Bio of Tony Meredith

Tony Meredith Coaching focuses on helping business owners Grow Sales, Increase Profits, and Regain Time. 

Tony Meredith Coaching started in 2018 and works with hundreds of small-medium businesses across Australia, in the areas of Services, Franchising, Retail, Manufacturing, and Trades.

Tony has over 25 years of experience working for some of the world’s largest corporations in a variety of senior sales and leadership roles.

Tony and his team provide a range of specialist business coaching sessions, including individual business coachinggroup business coaching, and online business coaching.

Contact Tony and his team if you want to grow an outstanding business.

Contact Details

Email:              [email protected]

Phone:            07 3394 8221